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Scots nats plunge

new depths of xenophibia.

April 2nd 2021.


My mother was a Scot – a Murray, and my great grandfather was a Scot. The surname is a Scottish derivation from old Norse and the name of a clan that had a huge influence on Scottish history. I know Scotland and its history fairly well, and I love them both. Which is why I'm feeling pretty bloody angry with people who are twisting and re-writing history and a lot else besides to suit their agenda, with all the historical regard and accuracy shown in Braveheart. Which apart from some names, was precious little. (Did you know, for example, that William Wallace was in fact a wealthy landowner with Welsh roots?)


The SNP and now Alba often draw upon the notions put forward by Mel Gibson's movie to appeal to the base instincts and patriotism of the Scots. However the new ad. by the Alba party plunges new depths. It is more like a trailer for Braveheart II. Telling the story of Gillies Hill, the last day of the battle of Bannockburn in 1304, overlaid with images of nationalist rallies resplendent with the saltire, it talks of the 'English oppressor' and the 'Scottish forces of freedom'. Described as a 'demonstration of people power by the small folk of Scotland', it was 'the straw that broke the oppressor's back'.


The characters pictured above may well have more influence over the outcome of any referendum than tiresome details such as facts.


This was no party political piece arguing a case. This was designed not to promote discussion or inform voters on the issues but a blatant and unashamed attempt to stoke anti-English sentiment. 

If any English political organisation created anything that got anywhere near the xenophobic tone and message of Salmond's Alba video, all Hell would break loose. Accusations of racism and the use of techniques Goebbels would approve of would be all over the media. There would be resignations, an inquiry, righteous features on Newsnight, endless patronising from Peston and much more. It would be a brave person who would ever venture to mention a name or a place in a historical/political context ever again. It spoke of 'breaking the spines of the oppressors' for god's sake. Incitement to violence, anyone?


But these blinkered nationalists have to use a seven hundred year-old reference because the current, relevant truths of 2021 do not suit their purposes at all.  The Scots benefit to the tune of £2,000 more per head in public spending over the evil oppressors. This isn't as a result of money raised in Scotland, but as direct input from the callous bastards in Westminster.


For example, whilst the English could find only a 1% pay rise for NHS workers, the Scots could find 4%. The Scots can also finance laptops for all schoolchildren and a doubling of additional payments to lower income families at £20. The SNP claim full credit for this of course, and wouldn't for one moment give even a nod of recognition to the UK government. Instead, they just keep heaping on the blame and embitterment.


But there's more. The Scottish government was given £9.5Bn in 'consequentials' in order to meet Covid-related spending. According to the IFS, some of that cash has been diverted to fund free school meals and free bus travel – vote winners both. Not to put too fine a point on it, the nationalists have taken funds given for the pandemic, and spent it on projects that will please the very voters who would respond favourably to the over-simplified message of English=bad, Scottish = good. After all, you can always divert the blame for excess deaths in Scottish care homes southwards.


It will be interesting to see how they are going to fund this largesse when the Covid funding ceases. But then of course I'm forgetting - that will be down to UK government cuts.


Other than the nationalists themselves, I have been unable to find a single source that predicts a financially viable independent Scotland. Some, including the FT, say that viability is achievable, but only after a sustained revision of the country's finances that would make the austerity years look like a breeze. The Scots are being promised Alba, but if they succeed in independence, they might find themselves living a lifestyle somewhat closer to the 14th century than they had expected.


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