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welby house normandy.png
The Archbishop's house in Normandy - a probable destination for his sabbatical.
Pic credit: the Daily Mail

Mightas Welby is going on

a sabbatical.

November 26th 2020.

We are in the grip of a pandemic. the Archbishop's flock is anything from worried to very frightened, they are unable to congregate and find comfort with each other in their joint delusions that a God, his son or a ghost – or possibly all three - will protect them. Friends and members are ill, tens of thousands have died, and we are no closer to an end than we were in March.


You might think a national leader such as this would step to the fore and offer his advice and services. He might ensure he is seen far and wide by the faithful, offering encouragement and hope. He could, perhaps, entreat his flock to observe government guidelines and rely on the medical advice as well as prayer. You know – just in case.


But no. The pandemic and resultant fear, suffering, anxiety and economic crisis takes second place to his own spiritual wellbeing. He's off for a sabbatical. Not for a couple of weeks – oh no. For three months.


Why? Lambeth Palace said that he is taking time off for reflection, prayer, spiritual renewal and to study the concept of reconciliation.

Well good for him for setting such an inspiring example.
“Mightas Welby in my house in France, what?”

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